Role and Typology of Political Goals and Competitions in Emerging Fabricated Traditions and Concepts of Mahdism

Document Type : Research Paper


1 . PhD in Qur'an and Hadith Sciences, Faculty of Theology, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad. .

2 Professor, Department of Qur'an and Hadith Sciences, Faculty of Theology, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad


Study of the role of political currents claiming Mahdism can identify the fabricated hadiths introduced by politicians to Mahdavi traditions and refine the traditions of this area as much as possible. Among the reasons for politicians' approach to Mahdism is the capacity of this discussion to advance their goals. In other words, there are concepts and teachings in Mahdism which are effective for politicians. The special capacity of some concepts of Mahdism, such as "the political function of some titles related to Mahdism", "the theory of connected state," and "the special ability to discuss the signs of emergence" are among the most important reasons for the approach of these currents to Mahdism. Using the analytical-descriptive method, this research seeks to trace fabricated narratives that have been forged or fabricated by political currents in the field of Mahdism. It takes also a look at reasons for the approach of political currents to Mahdism. Findings show many types of forgery in Mahdavi traditions and teachings, of which the most important types are as follows: "Forgery in the name, lineage, and example of the Promised Mahdi", "forgery in the physical characteristics of the Promised Mahdi", "forgery in the place of Appearance", "forgery in the issue of connected government", "forgery in praise and blame of lands".


Main Subjects

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