Analyzing the approach of Ibn-Abbas regarding the permissibility or impermissibility of interpreting the Qur'an and its semantic function in his exegetical traditions

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistant professor of Euclid Higher Education Center

2 quranic and hadith sciences, shahid chamran university of ahvaz ,ahvaz, iran


Interpretation of the Quran is one of the most important and fundamental issues in the field of Quranic sciences and interpretation, which has long been the focus of scholars and religious scholars in this field due to its exclusiveness or lack of exclusiveness to God. Narratives are one of the most important sources that guide us to different opinions and views on this matter. In the meantime, Ibn Abbas is one of those who both views on the possibility of interpretation and the impossibility of interpretation are transmitted from him. Therefore, this article, by using the library method, data analysis, sought to resolve the conflict of his narrations in this regard and reached the important conclusion that he believes in the permissibility of interpreting the Qur'an except in the field of analogies such as the time of resurrection. . Extracting the meaning of Mustafad Ibn-Abbas from the mentioned word is the second goal of the present research, which with the analysis and investigations carried out, the functions of "carrying similarities", "tafsir" and "belly" were extracted from his narrations in which the word Tawil and its synonyms were extracted. It has been clearly stated and "determining the example", "carrying on the non-apparent meaning", "interpretation of similar verses", "commentary" and "carrying on the apparent meaning" have been extracted from the content and content of his other narrations in this field; It should be noted that from the total of extracted traditions,


Main Subjects

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