Visual analysis of the contrasting verses of expenditure(case study of verses 261-274 of Surah Al-Baqarah)

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Doctoral student of Arabic language and literature, Al-Zahra University, Tehran, Iran

2 Professor of Arabic Language and Literature, Al-Zahra University, Tehran, Iran


Visual expression plays a very effective role in conveying Quranic concepts. Artistic images in Quranic verses are a tool to convey the desired meanings to the mind of the audience. The investigation and precision in the artistic depiction of the Qur'an and the expression of the functions of these images make the secret of the miracle of the expressive and intellectual system of the Qur'an clearer. In this regard, this research was based on the opinions of Seyyed Qutb, Mohammad Daoud and Juma about some of the most important elements of imagery, artistic harmony and sensory imagination in the analysis of contrasting images in the verses of Surah Anfaq (261-274). It has been used more.This research has reached these results with the descriptive-analytical method that some artistic styles of imagination, such as visualization and recognition in describing the charity of unbelievers and believers, are similar; But some of them, like irony, are used to warn and threaten unbelievers, and opposition is one of the most important and frequent semantic relationships in these verses. Motion verbs are more transitive and using them together with other styles makes their role more prominent in the dynamics of the images and is used more in the description of unbelievers' charity.


Main Subjects

  1. The Holy Qur'an
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