Evaluation of Allameh Shoushtari's criticisms on false claims in the book "Al-Akhbar al-Dakhila"

Document Type : Research Paper


1 MA Student of Qur'an and Hadith Sciences, Shahed University, Tehran, Iran

2 Associate Professor, Department of Qur'an and Hadith Sciences, Shahed University, Iran


"Al-Akhbᾱr al-Dakhῑla" is one of the works of Mohammad Taqῑ Shoushtarῑ, which is arranged in three chapters to show forged and fabricated narrations. The third chapter of this work is devoted to supplications, including two parts: "distorted supplications" and "forged supplications". In this part, Shoushtarῑ criticizes distorted and forged supplications, using Qur'anic, narrative, intellectual, lexical, and literary reasons. Considering the great position of supplications in the epistemological geometry of Shi'a and considering the necessity of a detailed and comprehensive evaluation of Allameh Shoushtarῑ's critiques, this research evaluates the distorted supplications of "Al-Akhbᾱr al-Dakhῑla," based on the descriptive and analytical method. According to the results of the research, some criticisms of Shoushtrῑ were incomplete and incorrect. If Shushtrῑ had a comprehensiveness and broad-mindedness in Qur'anic reasons (attention to the sum of the Qur'anic verses and the context of the verses), narrative (formation of the family of hadiths and prayers), intellectual (attention to the variety of intellectual analyses), lexical (examination of the total views of lexicographers), and literary (accuracy in different syntactic aspects), he would not consider some parts of supplications as to be distorted. In addition, even assuming the existence of changes and transformations in the discussed samples, these changes were caused by tashῑf (unintentional change) - not distortion - and there is no solid reason for the occurrence of intentional distortion in them.


Main Subjects

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