Investigating the historical course of the revelation of the story of Adam (pbuh) in the Holy Quran

Document Type : Promotional


1 Assistant Professor, Department of Quranic and Hadith Sciences, Isfahan University of Quranic Studies and Atrat

2 Associate Professor, Department of Quran and Hadith Sciences, Isfahan University, Isfahan, Iran.

3 Member of Feiz ol-Islam Institute of Higher Education, Khomeini shahr of Isfahan, Isfahan, Iran. Feiz ol-Islam Institute of Higher Education


In the Qur'an, in order to call the people,God has used the story of the prophets of the past and the history of their relatives in order to guide the people.By analyzing these stories, it is possible to solve some of the problems of today's human societies.However,due to the fact that the verses and surahs of the Qur'an were revealed in certain historical circumstances and the stories of the Qur'an are not exempt from this,every time a part of the story of the prophets,which was in accordance with the call of the Prophet, was told during the surahs.Therefore, this article tries to answer the question of which parts of the story of Prophet Adam were revealed in different surahs in which time and place conditions?And what is the connection between the mentioned part of the story and the other verses of the Surah in which the story is mentioned?he application of this method of study in this story shows that:Quranic stories are in line with the purpose of the surah and the various circumstances of the Prophet.Muslims and the enemies of Islam have been revealed, and those parts of the story of Adam that are related to the belief concepts of disbelief and faith have been told in the early years of the revelation,and the parts of the story that are related to the epistemological teachings and characteristics of the believers in the late It was revealed in Mecca and early Medina,


Main Subjects

  1. The Holy Qur'an

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