Re-reading Verses of Challenge with Emphasis on the Context

Document Type : Research Paper


Assistant Professor, Department of Qur'an and Hadith Sciences, University of Islamic Denominations, Tehran, Iran


The Holy Qur'an is the miracle of the Prophet of Islam (PBUH), in which challenges (tahadd) to it are mentioned in several verses; however, thinkers have had differences in the qualitative and quantitative aspects of this challenge. Using the descriptive-analytical method, this research, which was written in response to the question of wisdom in the difference in the content of Tahaddῑ verses, after quoting and analyzing the existing concepts, by re-reading the verses of the challenge and emphasizing the context, which is one of the most well-known means of understanding the meanings of the Qur'an, proves that challenges are as follows: in Surah Al-'Isrᾱ' the challenge has not been done while a challenge in Surah Yunus with one Surah in terms of explaining the summaries of other holy books, a challenge in Surah Hud repeating the news of the past in different styles and chapters without differences, a challenge in Surah Toor in the way of repeating the contents which not only does not cause boredom but also cause simultaneous in the hearts to tremble and the hearts of the believers to calm down, and a challenge in Surah Al-Baqarah with a surah whose contents are mutually supportive and without any contradictions, even though it was revealed gradually, also from an 'Ummῑ person (as a person who did not go to school), and finally, the challenge in Surah Al-Qasas with a book containing beliefs, rules and morals that guides people in this world and the hereafter.


Main Subjects

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