The Principles of Expressing Monotheistic Teachings in the Qur'an

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Associate Professor of Quran and Hadith Sciences, Farabi Pardis University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran.

2 Master's degree in Quran and Hadith Sciences, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran.


The monotheistic verses of the Qur'an are being analyzed from different aspects, one of which is how the Qur'an confronts its audience in the issue of Monotheism. The Qur'an has put forth certain principles to communicate with its audience in monotheistic teachings and to create a basis for accepting these teachings. Through examining and collecting the verses related to Monotheism, all of them may be classified under three general principles: the principle of describing facts, the principle of awakening based on divine signs, and the principle of reference to nature. Regarding describing the facts, the Qur'an describes the teachings and functions of signs, instead of arguing about monotheistic teachings and answering the doubts related to them. In the principle of awakening based on divine signs, the Qur'an invites human beings to reflect on these phenomena, by expressing universal and personal phenomena and reminding their order, finality, and inherent poverty and need. In the principle of referring to nature, the Qur'an, to awake the divine nature of man, directs him to this divine nature so that he can find the works of his Lord in the world and within himself. In this research, these principles are discussed and analyzed based on the descriptive-analytical method regarding the Qur'anic verses.
Keywords: Monotheism, Divine Knowledge, Description of God, Awakening Based on Signs, Nature
The monotheistic verses of the Qur'an are being analyzed from different aspects, one of which is how the Qur'an confronts its audience in the issue of Monotheism. The Qur'an has put forth certain principles to communicate with its audience in monotheistic teachings and to create a basis for accepting these teachings. Through examining and collecting the verses related to Monotheism, all of them may be classified under three general principles: the principle of describing facts, the principle of awakening based on divine signs, and the principle of reference to nature. Regarding describing the facts, the Qur'an describes the teachings and functions of signs, instead of arguing about monotheistic teachings and answering the doubts related to them. In the principle of awakening based on divine signs, the Qur'an invites human beings to reflect on these phenomena, by expressing universal and personal phenomena and reminding their order, finality, and inherent poverty and need. In the principle of referring to nature, the Qur'an, to awake the divine nature of man, directs him to this divine nature so that he can find the works of his Lord in the world and within himself. In this research, these principles are discussed and analyzed based on the descriptive-analytical method regarding the Qur'anic verses.


Main Subjects

  1. The Holy Qur'an.
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