A Historical, Comparative and Rational Discussion on the Verse "Wahlul 'Uqdatan min Lisᾱnῑ" in Islamic Tradition and Old Testament

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Associate Professor, Department of Qur'anic Exegesis and Sciences, University of Noble Qur'anic Sciences and Sciences, Faculty of Qur'anic Sciences, Shiraz, Iran.

2 Associate Professor, Department of Islamic Studies, Khatam Al Anbia Technology University , Behbehan, Behbehan, Iran.


Understanding the nature of the Prophet Musa's language stuttering can solve some theological misconceptions that point to the unreasonableness of the physical defect, especially the defectiveness of the language of the Messenger of God. The research's goal is to understand the truth of language stuttering attributed to this divine prophet. According to the opinion of linguists, commentators and scientists, and the long-standing understanding in the Islamic tradition, from verse 27 of Surah Tᾱhᾱ, as well as some other Qur'anic and narrative references, the meaning of "'Uqdat" is his external and organic stuttering. The next step is to compare the preferred theory of Islamic texts to the statements and references of the Old Testament with a linguistic approach. This research, based on the descriptive-analytical-comparing method, concludes that, "Stuttering means the lack of eloquence of speech due to reasons such as lack of self-confidence caused by killing the Coptic man and tightness in the chest of Moses (as). So, the preferred opinion and the previous common view, i.e., organ defect, is subject to doubt and denial. "'Uqdat" was a concern that Moses (as) asked God to remove during his mission. God answered his prayer and removed that obstacle by appointing Harun (as) to his ministry. Surprisingly, the teachings of the Old Testament, with their linguistic and semantic implications, support and express this recent opinion more clearly as well.


Main Subjects

  1. The Holy Qur'an

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