Rijᾱlῑ and Implicit Critique of Narratives on Prohibition of Association with Certain Ethnics

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistant Professor, Fiqh and Islamic Law Department, Bozormehr Qaenat University, Qaen, Iran

2 Assistant Professor of Jurisprudence and Islamic Law Department, Bozorgmehr University of Qaenat, Qaen, Iran


This research aims to critically study narratives that refer to avoiding association with certain ethnicities and races. This series of news is included in the Imᾱmῑ narrative heritage and has raised some challenges and questions. It is important to take the correct position on the issue and explain the Sharia approach objectively. This essay based on the descriptive-analytical method first extracts these narratives from the Imᾱmᾱ Hadith collections and then, after explaining them, analyzes them from two aspects: sanad and content. The research concludes that many of these narratives are poorly narrated in terms of sanad, including them among whid news. As for the content, presenting such narrations to the Qur'an, Sunnah, intellect, and morality, indicates the instability of their themes. The authors propose two methods for handling these narratives: 1) justifying and interpreting some of the news to provide an interpretation that is appropriate for the time and place, and 2) disregarding other parts of the news that contradict religious truths.


Main Subjects

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