Study of the function of narrative time in understanding storied hadiths

Document Type : Research Paper


1 university of Qom

2 Faculty member of the university of Qom, the science of Qur'an and Hadith

3 Associate professor of the university of Qom, the science of Qur'an and Hadith


Narrative time is one of the basic elements of narrative in narratological studies due to its chronological and dual nature. Since a) Many Islamic hadiths possess basic characteristics of narration and B because of its historical nature, it is possible to achieve its historical calendar time, their narrative time can be explored. By analyzing the narration time of fictional hadiths, new horizons are placed in front of the knowledge of hadith comprehension or, at the lowest scale, the semantic layers of the hadiths are viewed from new angles. The main question inthis research is to examine the application of time in understanding hadiths. In the present article, using the descriptive-analytical method, we have used the prominent theory of Gerard Genet, a French theorist, in the field of narrative time analysis, and we have followed the topics in three sections: order, duration, and frequency. According to the regular sequence of the story, the causal relationship between actions and events and the logical relationship between them is revealed. Moreover, anachronism in two types of retrospective and futuristic in hadiths has functions, among which we can remind, learning lessons, explaining inter-individual revolutions over time, allegory and emphasis, explaining the legitimacy of the Infallibles (AS) , Inviting to the truth, warning and ... . The five types of duration in the hadiths of narration and the four types of frequency - as the third component of the time of narration - also have functions that are effective in the process of understanding the hadith.


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Articles in Press, Accepted Manuscript
Available Online from 13 December 2023
  • Receive Date: 05 July 2022
  • Revise Date: 21 January 2023
  • Accept Date: 13 December 2023