The Position of Mutafarrid Hadiths of Da'ᾱ'im al-Islam in Imᾱmῑ Hadith

Document Type : Research Paper


PhD graduate in Quran and Hadith. Kashan University, Kashan, Iran


The most important narrative and jurisprudential heritage of the Ismailis is the book Da'ᾱ'im al-Islam by Abu Hanifa Qᾱdῑ Nu'mᾱn al-Maghribῑ (d. 363 AH). He was the great Ismaili Dᾱ'ῑ and the judge of the Fatimid Ismaili government. This book contains a large volume of hadiths of Ahl al-Bayt (as) on various jurisprudential issues, of which more than 14 percent are Mutafarrid from the Imᾱmῑ hadith and have no trace in any of the existing Imᾱmῑ narrative sources. The Irsᾱl of traditions and its non-Imᾱmῑ nature are among the most important factors of neglecting this legacy from the 4th century. Ignoring the evaluation of hadith sanad, this research aims to give a fair judgment of the Ismaili hadith, based on the content analysis and its compatibility with the Imᾱmῑ hadith. Searching for the cause of mutafarrid hadiths in the book, it analyzes the influence of these narratives in the teachings of the Imᾱmῑyyah. In conclusion, the mutaffarrid hadiths of Da'ᾱ'im al-Islam are compatible with the Imᾱmῑ hadiths, and the most important factor of their tafarrud is the special effort of the author to collect the judging hadiths (bᾱb al-qadᾱ). One of the most important functions of these hadiths in Imᾱmῑ jurisprudence is to provide a narrative document for famous fatwas, to complete the understanding of some hadiths, and to bring some new branches of jurisprudence.


Main Subjects

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