The Transitivity Structure of the Letter of Imam Ali (AS) to Imam Hassan (AS) According to Halliday's Systematic Grammar

Document Type : Research Paper


Department of Quran and Hadith Sciences, Faculty of Theology and Ahl al-Bayt Education, University Of Isfahan, Isfahan, Iran


The meta-function element is one of the characteristics of Halliday's systematic grammar. Among the three trans-textual, inter-textual, and intellectual roles, the intellectual or experimental role reflects the semantic layer of the text. The semantic layer shows the author's style in the selection of processes and participants, and the type and frequency of the processes also change with the change of the subject and the purpose of the author. This article studies the transitivity structure of the will letter of Imam Ali (as) to Imam Hassan (as) and examines the most frequent processes and participants that determine the author's style. Since this letter is long and the structure of the two halves of the letter seems different at first glance, Halliday's method was performed on the two halves of the text separately, and by drawing comparative diagrams, the hypothesis of the structural difference between the first half of the letter and the second half is proven. In the first half, the highest frequency is assigned to the material process and active and passive participants, but in the second half, the relational process and, as a result, the carrier and attribute participles have the highest frequency.


Main Subjects

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