The role of the verses about "Ahsan Elahi's representation" in the concept of "human nobility"

Document Type : Research Paper


Faculty member of Guilan University


One of the important hypotheses in the fields of anthropology, geology and even the ontology of mystical interpretation is the claim of human superiority over other beings, and mainly in mystical books and statements to confirm this claim, some Quranic verses are used. And similar narrations have been referred. Among these verses, there are two verses 64 of Surah Ghafar and 3 of Surah Taghabun, in which the beauty of a person's face is referred to with the expression "And your faces are good, so your faces are good" and hence the mystics have deduced this in their works. Since the divine image is only about man in the best way, then he will be the superior of the creations. The purpose of this article is to investigate the basic relationship of these two verses with the claim of "man's superiority over other creatures" and to discover the truth. Also, in these works, by referring to the narration "Al-Soora al-Insaniya Akbar Hajjullah...", an attempt has been made to strengthen the claimed Quranic basis and provide internal religious evidence for it, and that narration is also criticized in terms of evidence and implications. has taken. The findings of this research indicate that it seems that those two verses as well as the mentioned narration cannot prove the desired claim and therefore this hypothesis will be a baseless claim in terms of citing these evidences. .


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Articles in Press, Accepted Manuscript
Available Online from 08 June 2024
  • Receive Date: 16 January 2024
  • Revise Date: 24 February 2024
  • Accept Date: 08 June 2024