Analysis of the Model of the Understanding Potential Hearing in the Quran

Document Type : Promotional


1 Department of Quranic studies and Hadith Faculty of Theology

2 Department of Quranic Studies and Hadith, Faculty of Theology and Islamic Sciences, ‎Alzahra University, Tehran, Iran(ROR.013cdqc34)


Analysis of the Model of the Understanding Potential Hearing in the Quran


"Hearing," is one of the most frequent words in the Qur’an, showing the importance of this understanding power in human life. Based on the descriptive-analytical method of content analysis and library study, this study extracts the ruling pattern of these verses. First, the verses containing the word hearing are separated (163 verses). Comparing with the verses based on the context, quantitative analysis is done, finding 679 sub-themes and 34 main themes.These themes are organized in three thematic orientations of God and hearing, human hearing and non-human hearing. Finding show that divine hearing indicates the absolute knowledge and encirclement of God over the creatures and is aware of the visible and the hidden. In addition to this, God is the listener in the creations and when He wills, He stops it. The ability of hearing in man is the tool of his guidance, and this depends on the type of action and his listening stance towards what he hears, and perhaps the inappropriate action of man is the cause of his destruction. According to the verses of the Qur'an, demons and jinn also have the ability to hear and have the authority to hear the divine verses and have shown actions in the face of the divine word.


Main Subjects

Articles in Press, Accepted Manuscript
Available Online from 08 June 2024
  • Receive Date: 22 August 2023
  • Revise Date: 11 January 2024
  • Accept Date: 08 June 2024