Examining the semantic elements within the triconsonantal root "WLY" through an etymological method in Semitic languages

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Faculty of theology, Tarbiat Modares university,

2 Faculty of Theology and Islamic Studies, University of Tehran

3 Faculty of theology, Tehran university


The triconsonantal root "WLY" is one of the most widely used roots in the Holy Qur'an, based on which various nominal and present words have emerged. The multiplicity of usage of this root in words such as "wali" has shown its pivotal position in Quranic literature. One of the reasons for this problem is that although Muslim lexicographers and commentators have listed various semantic components for the mentioned root, they failed to find a central meaning in it and could not establish a connection between all its meanings. In order to discover the central meaning in the root " WLY", this research, using the method of etymology and historical semantics, determined the course of verbal and semantic evolution of this root during the time. This root has continued to exist in the Arabic language with the verbal form "WLY" meaning joining and companionship and in other Semitic languages with the verbal form "LWY" in the same meaning. With the addition of the semantic component of interest to the Arabic " WLY", this root refers to a way of companionship in which there is some kind of interest and affection. Therefore, the main semantic reliance is on companionship and obedience, and interest and affection have been added to it as a secondary semantic component. At various levels of family, social, political relations and human-God relations in the Holy Quran, semantic components can be found, and this issue is the key to solving many scientific controversies about the root (WLY).


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Articles in Press, Accepted Manuscript
Available Online from 23 June 2024
  • Receive Date: 09 March 2024
  • Revise Date: 02 June 2024
  • Accept Date: 23 June 2024