A Comparison between Hermeneutics and Islamic Exegetical Tradition

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Associate Professor at Ferdosi University

2 Ph.D. Student in Quran and Hadith sciences of University at Mashad


In this essay, the general issues of hermeneutics and Islamic exegesis have
been compared at first, indicating their similarities and differences regarding
their definition, fields, goals and methods. Then, the most important
achievements in each field have been studied, illustrating their resemblance
and divergence and also the challenges each confront. The author concludes
that the issues discussed in hermeneutics, like reconstruction of the author's
subjectivity, hermeneutical circle, the author's intention, the identity of the
text, and the interpreter's presuppositions, are the topics which are also
discussed in the Islamic exegetical tradition.
