The status of hadith Criticism in Vasa' el al-Shiah

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Full professor in Quran and Hadith at Alzahra University.

2 MA graduate in Quran and Hadith at Alzahra University


Criticizing and evaluating hadiths has been Moslem scholars' permanent
method, notably Shia's scholars, in order to ascertain the Hadith been
issued by the infallibles. Sheikh Horr al-A'meli is one of these scholars. In
regard to controversial traditions, He has examined the tradition's text and
chain of narrators and mentioned its weakness, generally relying on Sheikh
Tusi's assesments. Nevertheless he has never realized his final judgment
about a hadith depending on its weakness of text or chain of narrators. His
endeavor in justifying these controversial traditions and verifying the
authenticity of the traditions on both sides of this controversy is fully
evident. In order to reach his objective, he employs different means and
considers every possible probability and avoid deny the authority of a
