The analysis of AllameMajlesi’s comprehending way(Fighh al Hadith)in his commentary on al-Kaafi


1 M.A. student in Quran and hadith sciences,Faculty of Humanities, TarbiatModares University.

2 Associate professor of mo-dares University


“Mer'at-ul- Ughul Fi Sharhe Akhbare- ale-r Rasul” is Allameh Mohammad Bagher Majlesi’s commentary on  al-Kaafi. The book's  high status among Islamic scholars and its precedence over other collections on hadith commentary has added to  its value . In his collection, in order to elaborate the meaning of the Hadith, Allameh explains the interpretations of Hadiths and points out delicate matters.Prior to his analysis of each text, he classifies the chain of tradition , evaluating it  in some cases . In his commentary of the text, he sometimes merely relies on his own explanations. Some other times, moreover, he employs Quranic  verses, the  Imams’ words,  the companions’ narratives, the explanations of  interpreters, traditionists  and scholars to elucidate the hadith. He states syntactic, morphological, rhetorical  and historical issues. In the cases where the discussed Hadith is in obstensible  contradiction with  another Hadith or a  Quranic verse, he mentions it and removes it. He expresses doubts and tries to eliminate them. He even interprets the verses in the Hadiths through interpretation methods. In some other cases he refers to Sunni sources, which shows his overwhelming knowledge of  them.Allameh mentions Hadiths in his  book in the same order as their original book  and prior to addressing the hadiths  of a chapter, he explains about the  chapter proper.
 he separates  his own words from  that of al-Kaafi Hadiths ;employing   “He says”  for that of Kafi and  “I say” for his own words. In this way he analyzes all the Hadiths one by one.
