A study of Allameh Tabatabayi's view on the seventh verse of Ale-Emran

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Associate Professor of Ferdosi University

2 Associate Professor of ,مخئ ریالشظشره University

3 Associate Professor of Jameatol Mostafa


In the seventh verse of the sura Ale- Emran , what is meant by "yatabeuna ma tashabaha" is seeking and searching for finding the mutashabehat (ambiguous) not obeying them. The meaning of “Tavil” in this verse is explaining  the meaning of the ambiguous verses. The place for the pause in the verse "wa la ya'lamu ta'wilahu ella-llah wa-rrasekhuna fi-l-elm" is not the word “Allah”  ,rather "a-rrasekhuna " is in conjunction to  “Allah”.It seems that Allamah’s reasons for considering the phrase "wa-rrasekhun …yaghuluna" parallel to the previous phrase of " amma-lazina fi… fayatabe'una.." is not accepted.  Allamah’s opinion on Imam Ali's words about those who are firmly grounded in knowledge is in conflict with  the apparent meaning of Imam 's word as well as with  Allamah's opinion,himself, about “Tavil”. Allamah's first definition given for the decisive and ambiguous verses is accepted , while his final definition for them is doubted. .
