Affinity of Qur’an & Nahj al-Balagha in describing the characteristics of the Prophet Mohammad (PBUH)

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Permanent Faculty member ,Alzahra University

2 Full Professor , Tehran University


Continuous association of Hazrat Ali (PBUH) with Qur’an and his presence in the house of revelation  and his communication with the source of revelation are the grounds for Qur’an’s impact on  Nahj al-balagha. Aside from its citing Quranic verses throughout the book, nahj al-balagha is semantically influenced by Qur’an, benefitting from Quranic teachings in all its themes, therefore providing the possibility to match various topics in one with that in the other. furthermore Nahj al-balagha, in many cases, can be considered an interpretation of Qur’an.  It has explained and interpreted  ambiguios  verses of Qur’an, providing a  better understanding of this Holy Book. For example, when God introduces Hazrat Mohammad (PBUH) as a good role model, Hazrat Ali (PBUH) on one hand by using similar or  equivalent words explains the content of Qur’an and on the other hand by mentioning different reasons and evidences about the Prophet’s way of life explains and interprets the verses .Besides being a role model and good example, his earnest attempt to lead people, his being  trustful, having pure ancestors and descendants are some of the Prophet’s characteristics mentioned in both Qur’an and Nahj al-balagha in similar expressions. The semantic resemblance  of Qur’an and Nahj al-balagha in their description of the Holy Prophet is the subject of this research.
