A critical analysis of Izutsu’s two Quranic works

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistant professor at Islamic Azad University

2 M.A. in Quranic sciences and Hadith at Islamic Azad University


Toshihiko Izutsu, famous Japanese linguist has worthy researches on realm of Quran. For the first time,he translated Quran directely from Arabic to Japanese and through his translation , he achieved  a deep understanding of essential quranic concepts leading to his two important books entitled “God and human being” and “ethical - religious concepts in glorious Quran”. In these two works, ,he has employed semantic methods in his study of Quran which s have had a great impact on further studies in this field, extending its scope. Izutsu, in his two works, has considered various concepts of Quran in a vast conceptual network, and has identified their relations  based on acceptable scientific standards. His studies, in spite of little deficiencies, are everlasting and unique. In this article, in addition to introducing Izutsu and his two Quranic works, we  have  criticized his methods and sources. it is necessary to mention that our aim in this survey was just bringing to light the advantages and disadvantages of this study  without any judgment on the value of his works for which we are in need  to compare his works with that of  the others .
