Elaborating the software- oriented approach to Jihad in the Holy Quran

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Associate Professor of Esfahan University

2 Associate Professor at University of Isfahan


Typology of different types of jihad in the Holy Qur'an suggests that this concept can be studied in two different discourse: First, Hard jihad which has been mentioned with the words "fight" or "morabetah", Second, the soft jihad which is the subset of the word "Jihad". As the philosophy and foundation of Jihad in Islam consists actions that can be accomplished through criticizing the principles of   illegitimate ruling  and ending with  the rejection of these regimes and its policies and it can be argued that, Jihad in Islam is considered as a software strategy  which today is mentioned  in short by the general name ”soft war”. According to different circumstances and situations, this strategy  has different manifestations. A  good example is the measurements taken by Imam Hassan (AS) and Imam Hussain (AS) against the rule of Mu’awiya and Yazid, considering their different measurements as identifying strategy. In this article, employing semantic analysis of the text, we have studied different types of jihad in Quran , elaborating this theory and studying its strategies i.e. Jihad is a software oriented strategy, with a broader meaning than soft war with the enemies. For a detailed elaboration of the subject, jihad has been studied according to Quranic discourse and its difference - in both concept and usage – with “qetal” (killing) has been illustrated.

