A study on the isnad of traditions concerning the authenticity of the Companions

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistant professor at University of Kashan;

2 M.A. in Quranic sciences and hadith, Payame Noor University;


Most Sunni scholars consider all the companions of the holy Prophet (SAWA)  as authentic. Hence, in their view, any tradition that is narrated on the authority of a companion, provided its chain of transmitters is not broken and its narrators verified, it is evaluated sound and  is in no need of text review. Therefore the authenticity of the Companions is one of the principles of Sunni Rejal study. To prove the mentioned principle, they refer to Quranic verses and Prophetic traditions. In this paper, we have cited sources which have referred to these verses and traditions; then, these traditions have been evaluated on the basis of Sunni Rejal science. Ultimately we have  shown that most of these traditions, because they have been narrated on the authority of weak narrators, are not authoritative.
