The role of Ahlolbayt( the Prophet’s Family)( SAA) in evaluation and explanation of the Sunni theological traditions

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Ph.D student in Quranic sciences and hadith at Ferdowsi University

2 Associate Professor of Ferdosi University


After the demise of the Holy Prophet (SAWA), there appeared numerous yet opposing intellectual and theological movements – mostly comprising from Sunni Muslims. In order to justify their thoughts, each of these groups referred to  Quran as well as Prophetic traditions. Amid these efforts, some Quranic verses came to be semantically distorted, while traditions experienced verbal and semantical distortions (i.e. incorrect explanations) and even some were forged. To deal with such traditions which were used by the intellectual and theological movements, Ahlolbayt (the Prophet’s Family) (SAA) adopted several techniques. Due to the occasion, they disclosed the cases of distortion, corrected the misinterpretations of the verses, or based on reasoning and narrative proofs, revealed the fictitious traditions.
