A Critical Study of Critical Reports on Yunos ibn Abd al-Rahman

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Associate professor in Quranic sciences and hadith. the University of Ferdowsi in Mashhad.

2 PhD student in Quranic sciences and hadith. the University of Ferdowsi in Mashhad.


In this study, the literature on personality of Yunos ibn Abd al-Rahman, a prolific narrator and sage at the time of the Imams, have been reviewed and the charges against him, concerning his scholarly and religious personality have been evaluated.
After a brief biography of this narrator and reference to his status before the Imams (AS), the charges against him such as the qumis’ allegations, hadiths against him, existence of a sect named after him and his being a Fatahi, not Imami, Shia, have all been evaluated leading to his being absolve of all the accusation
