Historical Geography of Israelites’ Crossing Way in the Sea with Emphasis on the Commentaries of the Qur'an and the Old Testament

Document Type : Research Paper


1 University of Science and Education of the Holy Quran

2 Associate professor at Islamic Azad University, Mashhad branch.


The geographical study of Quranic stories and comparative survey of the views of Qur'anic commentators and that of the Old Testament concerning the Israilite crossway in the sea, uncovers many historical and interpretative ambiguities and can be a keystone for geographical approach to quranic interpretations.
The Story of Moses (AS), the most detailed story in the Qur'an, has also been fully mentioned in the Old Testament with historical details and explanations concerning the geographical location where Moses and his followers crossed the sea and where the enemies pursuing them had been drowned. In order to specify the location of this sea, the quranic exegeses and that of the Old Testament, geographical sources, maps and satellite images have been studied.
Among the various theories about the location of this Sea the theory of the Gulf of Aqhaba, was considered best supported and the interpretational, scientific, geographical and archaeological evidences have been mentioned. Meanwhile the arguments in support of the Nile theory have been assessed. In this study, geographic maps and satellite images have as far as possible to been quoted.
