The Meaning and Denotation of the Ol-el-Amr: A Comparative Study of Tabatabayi’s View and that of Fakhre Razi

Document Type : Research Paper


The Instructor of Farhangian University


The infallibility of the twelve Imams from fault and sin has been issue to debate between the Shia and the Sunni. Among Sunni commentators, Fakhr Razi in his exegesis, similar to the Shia, has drawn from the verse the infallibility of the ol-el-am” (those in authority) while disagreeing with them on the denotation of this term and applying it to Ahl-al- hall wal-aghd (the representatives of the community of Muslims). In his study of Fakhr’s point of view, Allamah Tabatabayi answers his.
Debates over his arguments and indicates the twelve Imams as the exclusive denotations of the term. In this article this verse’s interpretation has been comparatively studied, justifiying the restriction of the term in the twelve Imams and revealing the serious flaws in Fakhr’s point of view and in his critiques of the Shia position concerning the term.
