The Kingdom (Malakut) of the God in the Bible and the Holy Quran

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Associate professor in Quranic Science and Hadith at Esfahan University

2 Assistant professor in Ahlulbayt studies, at Esfahan University.


Proclaiming the realization of the Kingdom (malakut) rooted in the teachings of Judaism, is one of the main instructions of Jesus and the core of his mission, since salvation and deliverance can only be attained in the Kingdom of God. This Kingdom which is mentioned mainly in allegorical and esoteric language, begins with the divinity of Jesus (as) and is related to the evolution of the human beings, the church, the guardianship of the Apostles, the second return, the Resurrection, the rising of the dead and the final judgment.
In the Holy Quran, the Divine Kingdom begins with Allah  and is related to his command, his guidance, imamate, conviction and the Throne. As for the Divine Throne, the prophets are the carriers of the Throne who implement part of the Divine Plan, that is the guidance of the people and therefore embrace direct knowledge and with their guardianship over the human soul, can guide them. Another kind of Malakut in the Quran has a general aspect and encompasses the world of kingship (molk), and human beings can experience this aspect of the world by internal observation and insight, therefore seeing the world as it really is, god-oriented; in result of which they consider only Allah as the one to worship and adore and the only one whose assistance, should be asked.
This essay tends to examine the concept and reality of the Malakut in Gospel and Quran through religious texts and commentaries and to ascertain the similarities’ and the differences.
