A Critique on Luxenberg Syro-Aramic Reading of the verse 24 of the chapter 19

Document Type : Research Paper


Professor at Allameh Tabataba'i


Commentators have a different views to explain the verse above especially for explaining the « مِنْ تَحْتِها »(from beneath her)and « سَرِیًّا»(streamlet).
One of the new views based on a camparative historical Linguistics has been presented by christoph Luxemburg in The syro aramaic reading of the quran book to makes clear for the verse above.
He believes that من تحتها was originaly من نحتها in syric language which is meaning "at the moment of delivery" and سریا is originally شریا in syric language and it means legitimate.
Translation of the verse such as his opinion is:
“Then he called to her immediately after her delivery:‘Do not be sad, your Lord has made your delivery legitimate’.ˮ
Luxenburg belives this recitation is more campatible with this verse.
With camparative historical Linguistics analictic of syrian Arabic language, luxanburg views has been considered and analyzed.
camparative historical Linguistics will confirm the Islamic exegesists views


Main Subjects


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