A Study of the Author of Al-Rijāl Al-Barqī

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Master of Qur’an and Hadith Sciences, Razi University, Iran,

2 Assistant Professor, Department of Theology, Razi University, Iran.


The Early biographers (rijālis) usually mention “the book of al-Rijāl” among the works of Ahmad bin Mohammad Al-Barqī; Ibn Nadīm is of the first scholars who ascribed this book to Ahmad’s father, Muhammad ibn Khālid Barqī, and even ascribed Ahamd’s another book, Al-Maḥāsin, to the father, as well. Afterwards, some contemporary scholars including Āqā Buzurg Tehrani repeated this claim in another way. Among all, the theory of Shūshtarī, who proposed the last idea and attributed al-Rijāl to Ahmad’s grandson, today is accepted and argued to be true. However, he made mistake of comprehending a phrase used by Barqī in his book and hence that’s why Shūshtarī had such an idea; for the phrase “Sa'd’s book” refers to the book of “Sa'd bin Sa'd”, not the book of “Sa'd bin Abdullah”, as Shūshtarī claimed. The early biographers’ clear statements, referring the name of Barqī to Ahmad Barqī in Rijāl books, as well as, the general reputation of Ahmad al-Barqī, are some reasons which ascribe al-Rijāl to him.


Main Subjects

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