The Verse of Prostration on Yusuf (AS) in Imāmī Exegeses; Approaches and the Standard Theory

Document Type : Research Paper


Associate Professor at College of Farabi, University of Tehran, Iran


Among Shiite exegetes there is no consensus and standard theory on the verse Yusuf: 100 to solve the apparent contradiction between this verse with the verse Jinn: 18 which prohibits prostration on non-Allah, and the verse al-'Isrā’: 22 which requires man to respect his parents. So, diverse literal, traditional, historic, jurisprudential, theological, and mystical approaches are found in their exegeses: some believe that this prostration is a kind of thanksgiving and obedience and so the prostrated is Allah, the Almighty. Some others say that the prostrated is Yusuf and such prostration is not-optional but only is a kind of greetings. Others consider Yusuf as a prostrator in respect of regathering of his family after a long time. The main purpose of this research is to evaluate these approaches and provide a standard view in interpreting this verse. In conclusion, the standard theory argues that the prostrated is Yusuf himself and such prostration is a kind of political respect to his ministerial position in Egypt, and hence finally the apparent contradictions would be solved.


Main Subjects

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