Survey and Analysis of the Position of Sīyāq in the Commentary of 'Aḍwā' al-Bayān fī 'Īḍāḥ al-Qur’an bil-Qur’an"

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistant Professor, Azad Islamic University, Northern Tehran Branch, Iran

2 MA at Qur’an and Hadith Sciences, University of Qur’an and Hadith, Tehran Branch, Iran Branch, Iran.


Context is considered in among the most important indications of understanding the words and access to what the speaker means. Also in the method of "interpretation of Quran with Quran", "context" beside exploitation of other verses is cited as an indication for determination of the purpose of revelation's. In contemporaneously, "Adwaa-ul-Bayaan fee Tafseer-il-Qur'an bil-Qur'an" by Muhammad Al-Ameen Ashـ shanqiti (1325-1393 lunar year) is among important interpretation books of Sunni Islam which were written in interpretation of Quran with Quran style. The present research intends to study the position of context in this book and its author's view. This research has been written based on chapter 10 to 15 of Quran. Regarding context's position in this book and in shanqiti's view we can say that although context has played rather effective role in some cases (including expression of meaning and purpose of verses' terms, explanation of verse's meaning, assessment of interpretator's views and expression of taqdir And mahzuf) in some cases it has been ignored as a close and internal indication in meaning's preference or in the other word, the other meanings of a verse taken from other verses, have been mentioned mainly beside contextative meaning. It can be concluded that between the two major indications of the method of "interpretation of Quran with Quran" citation to context is shanqiti's second priority where as exploitation of the other verse is his first priority.


Main Subjects

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