Evaluation of Exegetes Opinions about Quranic Verses by Impoliteness Expression of God

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Associate Professor, Department of Qur’an and Hadith Sciences, University of Kashan, Iran

2 Educational Deputy of Tafsir and Qur’anic Sciences Professional Center, Iran

3 Qur'anic Interpretation and Science Department of Hazrat Zeynab Kobra Center


Expressiveness means that words are detached from bad language and abnormal speech, which makes the audience annoyed to hear it. What is common among scholars and commentators is that God has stated the highest content with beautiful and attractive words in the Qur'an, so much so that even in expressing the most unfortunate contents, at the same time explicitly and frankly, he has conveyed his message by observing all literary and moral standards. And it's not far off. However, we see verses in the Qur'an that seemingly do not comply with the Arabic literature and the understanding of the users, and in the first place it seems that these Qur'anic contents contain some kind of insult and destruction. With the descriptive method and the library, the present article first examines and criticizes the opinion of the opponents of the lack of rhetoric and their arguments, and then by collecting the opinion of the commentators who consider these words as evidence of humiliation and insult and criticizing and examining their reasons. That is, considering all the arguments and justifications of the commentators and regardless of the nature, attributes and characteristics of the audience and their entitlement to such use, and considering only the speaker and user of these words, ie God Almighty, the Atomic Assembly and the complete attributes of glory and honour, it is understood that this usage by the essence of the divine sanctuary indicates the preference and priority of "explicit word" versus "politeness Expression".


Main Subjects

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