the authenticity of hadithses in Mustatrafat Al saraer

Document Type : Research Paper


1 PhD student in Quran and Hadith, Qom University, Qom, Iran.

2 Associate Professor, Department of Quran and Hadith, Faculty of Theology, Qom University, Qom, Iran.

3 Assistant Professor, Department of Quran and Hadith, Faculty of Theology, Qom University, Qom, Iran.


The authenticity of Mustatrafāt al-Sarā’ir, which is the final part of the Book of Al-Sarā’ir, is the subject of this study. Ibn Idris Hillī, one of the hadith scholars of the seventh century AH, a period that can be considered as the beginning of the change in the standard of authenticity of hadiths, took a number of hadiths from other hadith sources and included them in his book. In order to authenticate these hadiths, there are positive opinions from some contemporaries. They try to authenticate the hadiths of this book either by relying on the claim of Ibn Idris who did not pay attention to the single news, or by considering Ibn Idris’s series of permissions, or by referring to Ibn Idris's method of obtaining hadiths by finding (wijādah). After examining the structure of the book Mustatrafāt al-Sarā’ir and analyzing the evidence for the authenticity of the hadiths, it is concluded that with regard to the sanad, it is not correct to consider its hadiths completely authentic. Also, we are unaware of the authenticity proofs of the early scholars, which were probably also used by Ibn Idris. Accordingly, we cannot judge the authenticity of all the hadiths present in the book. Furthermore, an early sign cannot be used for all the hadiths of Mustadrafāt, because although Mustadrafāt al-Sarā’ir is considered a single book, it is actually a collection of several different books.


Main Subjects

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