A new critique of the apostolic dream with emphasis on the views of Shiite and Sunni narrators and commentators

Document Type : Research Paper


1 PhD student in Comparative Interpretation, Qom University, Qom, Iran.

2 Associate Professor, Department of Qur’an and Hadith Sciences, University of Qom, Iran.

3 Graduated from Qom University, Qom, Iran.


Dr. Soroush considers the Qur'an to be the dream of the Prophet in his latest theory; and he has changed the role of the Prophet from a capable role to an active role. The present study has evaluated the narrative and historical reasons of the mentioned theory by descriptive and analytical methods with emphasis on the opinions of the narrators and commentators of the two sects, and has measured the validity of these reasons. The findings indicate that the premise has led to his slippery inference, such as fallacies in some premise; Interpretation by opinion in Quranic verses; The illusion of incoherence of some verses with each other; Misunderstanding of some narrations; Gabriel's denial that was revealed not only to the Prophet of Islam but also to the prophets before him; Using analogy with the difference; the existence of contradiction in Dr. Soroush's own words. In the authentic sources of the sects and historical documents, not only is the claim of the Prophet's dream during the revelation not mentioned, and it seems that this news is fake news of the Jews with the aim of reducing the validity of the appearances and practical rulings of the Holy Quran, the non-dreaminess of the Qur'an and its word of God can be proved by valid rational, narrative and historical reasons. It should be noted that in Islamic texts, relying on the appearances of verses and deviating from them, is considered a clear misguidance and disbelief, which leads to the misguidance of others.


Main Subjects

  1. The Holy Qur’an.

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