The Process of Persuasion in the Holy Quran

Document Type : Research Paper


Graduate student in Instructing islamic teachings, at Payam Noor University. (Responsible Author)


From the moment of its revelation, The Holy Quran has always tried to draw  the attention of its addressees in order to persuade them. Quran in pursuing such a policy, aims the guidance of  and salvation of its addressees. To persuade, The Holy Quran communicates with the people employing various words, phrases and sentences and introducing its dogma, commandments and edifications to its  addressees using similes, metaphors and ironies in an effective frame work. The messages of Quran has to influence the people, therefore it has to pass through their mind and reach their heart as to be accepted. The mystery of the inspiration power of the Quranic messages is in its comprehendible and generally understood language, its usage of effective phrases and statements and in its employing different figures of speech.
The effectiveness of its message, also gains its impact from its messenger because of his knowledge, honesty, kindness, sympathy and compassion. Quran  has taken into consideration the addressee’s mental power and his/hers present and future needs, presenting them in a positive manner and inviting him/her to contemplate on the message, internalize it and act according to it.
