Number of Volumes 21
Number of Issues 62
Number of Articles 459
Number of Contributors 601
Article View 658,245
PDF Download 334,199
View Per Article 1434.08
PDF Download Per Article 728.1
Number of Submissions 3,723
Rejected Submissions 3,174
Reject Rate 85
Accepted Submissions 261
Acceptance Rate 7
Time to Accept (Days) 275
Number of Indexing Databases 14
Number of Reviewers 187

Welcome To Journal of Researches of Quran and Hadith Sciences

(Taḥqīqāt-i ̒ūlūm-i Qur̓ān va ḥadīs̠)

Evaluation rank in the system of the Ministry of Science, Research and Technology: A

Concluding a memorandum of cooperation with the Iranian Scientific Association of Quranic Studies and Islamic Culture


Impact Factor in 2024


Quality index in Islamic World Science Citation Database (ISC)-2018 & 2019 & 2020& 2021

Obtaining A rank in the years 2019 & 2020 & 2021& 2022 & 2023 evaluation rank in the system of the Ministry of Science, Research and Technology


Signing a Memorandum of Understanding with the Iranian Scientific Association for Quranic Studies and Islamic Culture

  1. This Quarterly journal is Open access. PDF file the text of all the articles published on the site is available and applicants for Quranic science articles can download it for free.
  2. Commitment form to observe publishing ethics
  3.  Diagram of the Acceptance Process in Journal of Researches of Quran and Hadith Sciences
  4.   Language: Bilingual: Persian (abstract and sources of English articles)

  5.  Average review time of articles: 16 Weeks

  6.  Review type: Reviews and authors cannot see each other's attributes;(Double Blind)

  7.  Plagiarism: Several light software is used to prevent plagiarism ;(Samim Noor)

  8.  COPE: This publication complies with the COPE Code of Ethics;

  9.  Article judging fee: 1500000 Rials after the initial approval of the article; Cost of printing the article: 1500000 Rials which will be taken after accepting the article for printing;

  10.  The ratio of articles accepted to the whole articles in each chapter: 6%;

  11. Plagiarism: Samim Noor software is used to prevent plagiarism;
  12. Copyright: Journal allows the author(s) to hold the copyright without restrictions. 

  13. In this Quarterly, articles published in one of the areas of the Qur'anic sciences, Hadith sciences, or interdisciplinary discussions of the Quran and hadith with other sciences,

  14. whose main focus is Quranic sciences or Hadith sciences, are published.

  15. CC BY-NC-ND  This license allows others to download the works and share them with others as long as they credit them, but they cannot change them in any way or use them commercially.

  17. Email:

EISSN: 2476-616X

PISSN: 2008-2681

Current Issue: Volume 21, Issue 2 - Serial Number 62, September 2024 

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