غفلت مطالعات اخیر غربی از فراگیری تواتر قرآن

نوع مقاله : پژوهشی


1 دانشگاه شهیدچمران

2 استاد دانشگاه علامه


مسلمانان بر این نظر هستند که قرآن کریم از زمان رسول خدا از طریق تواتر، نسلی به نسل دیگر سپرده و هم اکنون در دست ما قرار گرفته است. بنابراین، مهم ترین دلیل مسلمانان بر این که قرآنِ موجود همان قرآنی است که پیامبر گرامی اسلام آورده ، تواتر است. ب بر خلاف دیدگاه ونزبرو و همفکرانش که دو سده اول تاریخ اسلام را تاریک و مبهم قلمداد کرده‌اند، نگاه گذرا به تاریخ اسلام نشان می‌دهد که مسلمانان در همان دهه‌های نخست اسلام به مناطق مختلف از جمله برخی از مناطق اروپا رفته بودند و مسیحیان و یهودیان با چشمانی باز به دین رقیب خود می نگریسته اند، از این رو امکان ندارد که حادثه مهمی مانند پیدایش و تدوین رسمی قرآن در سده دوم یا سوم رخ داده باشد و هیچ یک از مورخان غیر مسلمان به آن اشاره نکرده باشد. علاوه بر این، پژوهشگران غربی نیز که در سده های اخیر به تاریخ اسلام پرداخته اند همگی بر گزارش مسلمانان اعتماد کرده‌اند و کسی جریان تاریخ اسلام را به گونه دیگری گزارش نکرده است.



عنوان مقاله [English]

Recent studies frequently neglected west of learning the Quran

نویسندگان [English]

  • Nancy Saki 1
  • Mohammad Kazem Shaker 2
1 Assistant professor at Shahid Chamran University
2 Full professor at Allameh Tabataba'i University.
چکیده [English]

For the Muslims, the Qur'an has been handed down from generation to generation from the time of the Prophet. Thus, the most important evidence for the genuineness of the Qur'an as the one introduced by of the holy Prophet, is its broad authentication (tawator). However, this argument is absent in the western studies of the history of the Qur'an. On the contrary, some western scholars such as Wansbrough and Hawting claim that due to the lack of information in the Qur'an concerning its development, all the information on this issue is confined to the hadiths which have been produced in the ninth and tenth century CE. Therefore, there is no data available from the contemporary sources which can be trusted on the issue concerning the two formative centuries of Islam. They consider the Qur'an as the product of two century discourse between the Muslims and the believers of other religions whose text has been finally canonized in the third century AH. Quite contrary to Wansbrough’s opinion and that of his advocates, a quick look at the history of Islam reveals that Muslims had travelled to different regions, including Europe in the first decades of its emergence. Hence the Christians and Jews had observed their religious rival with open eyes. It is not possible that such a significant event as canonization of Qur'an may have occurred in the second or third century AH, and none of the non-Muslim historians made reference to it. Moreover, western scholars studying the history of Islam in the recent century, have all accepted the Muslim’s reports, no one having narrated it otherwise.  

کلیدواژه‌ها [English]

  • Broad authentication (tawator) of Qur'an
  • Orientalists
  • Historians
  • Quranic studies in the West
  • the History of the Qur'an
  • Wansbrough
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-        A.Mingana  Wood brooks  Studies; Christian Documents in Syriac, Arabic and Garshuni, Edited and Translated with a critical Apparatus (vol. II; Cambridge, 1928.
-        Diony sius, s.8,Wood brook.Etudies christain documents in Syria, Arabic and Gershumi, Edited by A.mingana, vol.II. Cambrides1928.
-        Gerald R Hawting., 1999,The Idea of Idolatry and the Emergence of Islam, university of CAMBRIDGE
-        Hans Putnam, L’eglise et I’islam sous Timothee l (823 - 780) (Beyrouth, 1975). A. Van Rocey, “Une apologie Syriaque attribuee a Elie de Nisibe,” Le Museon 1946) 59), pp. 397 - 381. See also Robert Caspar,” Les versions arabes du dialogue entre le Catholicos Timothee l et le calife al - Mahdi (Iie/VIIIe siecle),” Islamochristiana 1977) 3.
-        Harald Motzki, (2001), "The Collection of the Quran", Der Islam, 78.
-        Johanna Nikiu, The chronicle of Johanna, Bishop of Nikiu. Translated fram Zotenberg‘s Ethiopic text by Charles, 1916.
-        See F. Nau, “Un colloque du patriarche jean avec l’emir des Agareens,” Journal Asiatique 11th series 1915) 5), pp. 279 - 225; kh. Samir, “Qui est l’interlocuteur musulman du patriarche syrien Jean III (648 - 631)?” in H. J. W. Drijvers et al. (eds.), IV Symposium Syriacum - 1984 (Orientalia Christiana Analecta, 229; Rome, 1987), pp. 400 - 387; G. J. Reinink, “The Beginning of Syriac Apologetic Literature in Response to Islam,” Oriens Christianus (1993- 77).
-        See J. M. B. Jones, "Ibn Ishaq and al-Waqidi: The Dream of 'Atika and the Raid to Nakhla in Relation to the Charge of Plagiarism", BSOAS, xxii (1959).
-        See J. M. B. Jones, "The Chronology of the Maghazi- a Textual Survey", Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies 19 (1957), 245-80; idem, "The Maghazi Literature", in A. F. L. Beeston et al., eds., Arabic Literature to the End of the Umayyad Period (Cambridge, 1983)
-        See F. Nau, “Un colloque du patriarche jean avec l’emir des Agareens,” Journal Asiatique 11th series 1915) 5), pp. 279 - 225; kh. Samir, “Qui est l’interlocuteur musulman du patriarche syrien Jean III (648 - 631)?” in H. J. W. Drijvers et al. (eds.), IV Symposium Syriacum - 1984 (Orientalia Christiana Analecta, 229; Rome, 1987), pp. 400 - 387; G. J. Reinink, “The Beginning of Syriac Apologetic.
-        Wansbrough, (1977), Quranic studies, Oxford.